Friday, February 18, 2011

Make My Life An Alleluia


I strongly dislike the word “depression”.  However, I use the word “depressed” all the time!  “I was sooooooooo depressed…blah, blah, blah.”  Seriously, I know nothing of true depression.  I have never really been depressed; discouraged, yes!  But depressed, no.  I’m a lot like Marilla of Anne of Green Gables “to be depressed is to turn your back on God.”  Pious, right? 

I have seen true depression, however.  It’s a terribly ugly thing.  I remember as a young person my mom and dad sending me over to the dorms in France to visit a young lady who was really struggling.  “Just go over and talk with her, encourage her…she really needs it.”  When I got there and knocked on the door, I found a girl who had just slit her wrists and was trying to die.  Needless to say, I was a bit shaken up!  I was young—probably 18 or 19.  How does one handle that type of situation? 

Many years later I walked in on a friend who had truly reached depression.  Not suicidal like the above story, but someone who was truly ready to check out of life entirely—not physically perhaps, but in every other way.  Again, what does one say in such situations?

Through the years I have come across many people who have allowed themselves to sink into a true state of depression.  Depression is no walk in the park.  It is not fake.  It is real.  So, how do we get there?  Why is it so prevalent in our society?

I believe it begins very simply, without our even realizing it.  The beginning of this school year was very difficult for me.  A co-worker and friend that was not just a friend, but someone who spurred me to good works was “excessed” by the county and had to leave our school.  (She later resigned as she and her husband were ready to start a family, so it turned out to be a good thing, but…).  In a secular environment, I knew that in her I could find an Oasis…someone who would encourage me when I was down and whom I could encourage when she was down. Now, I have great co-workers, but there are those few people in the world that you really connect with.  You think alike because Christ is at the basis of how you view the world.  Bonnie was like that.  We didn’t have tons of spiritual conversations, but I just knew she understood; that she was seeing the situation through the same lens I was seeing things. That is such a rare gift. 

With her leaving, I was really down.  It affected me much more than I anticipated.  Plus, there was great upheaval overall, and I fail to like change.  Plus, I got a difficult class and very difficult parents.  That made my life even worse.  Plus, the reality that I was just 3 years shy of 40, and I did NOT like my job was, well, depressing!  I disliked the environment I worked in.  I was discouraged by the language, the lack of respect for God, the lack of morality…Why, God, did I have to subject myself to this on a daily basis?  I was very spiritual about it, mind you.  I didn’t want to be in it because it was not good for me spiritually.  And, I wanted to be busy about serving the Lord.  I wanted to be more involved at church; I didn’t want to constantly feel the pull of “my job” and “my heart”—my church.

But, my outlook was skewed.  I was allowing myself to focus on the negatives in a situation and not thanking God for the positives.  My dad graciously reminded me that the reason I could do “things” for my church was because I had a job. I was failing to implement things that were normally completely natural for me.  I was getting so discouraged that I hated to wake up in the morning to face my job.  I used the word “depressed” because it almost made me feel better about my situation.  However, since I really dislike the word, I made it sound more spiritual—I made it sound more like I was searching for what God really wanted me to do with my life.

I believe a primary cause of depression is a lack of gratitude.  I am working on writing a whole article on gratitude, so I will just mention that on a cursory basis here.  We lack a heart of thanksgiving.  When we fail to see God in every situation in our lives, when we fail to see His Sovereign reigning hand, we become bitter.  Bitterness results from a lack of gratitude.  Lack of gratitude results from a lack of trust in God.

My question is then, how do I keep myself from becoming discouraged and downcast?  The Psalmist writes in chapter 42: 

Why are you cast down, O my soul,
   and why are you in turmoil within me?
Hope in God; for I shall again praise him,
   my salvation and my God.

I have found that a primary factor in my maintaining a spirit of thanksgiving is to be constantly giving praise to God.  And, my primary way of doing that is to sing.  I find myself quietly humming throughout the day—something that I had quit doing at the beginning of the year.  I was not “humming” I was “whining”.  I was rehearsing how bad my situation was rather than rehearsing on some glorious thought of what Christ had done for me.

As I began to meditate more on the Word, and as I began to meditate more on the words to hymns, I found my attitude start to change.  The situation has not changed at all, but my attitude in the situation has completely changed.

The other day I caught myself humming joyfully as I walked up the steps at school.  My mind was rehearsing the words to a choir number that had really spoken to my heart.  I suddenly felt this wave of incredible gratitude toward God for bringing joy in the midst of a job in which I feel trapped.  My mind began to race with ways that I could make my life an alleluia to Him.  That, my friend, is the greatest antidote to depression.  Am I working at making my life a song of praise to Him?

This song “Make My Life an Alleluia” by Ruth Elaine Schram has really impacted me over the past few weeks.  I would like it to be sung someday at my funeral as a true testimony of my life.  Read the lines of this poem and meditate on them.   Discouragement and depression will flee as we seek to follow Christ and bring glory to God in every situation of life.

Make my life an alleluia,
A song of praise to You each day.
To proclaim Your grace and glory,
Fill my heart with your praise, I pray.
When I stand at the mountaintop,
Or the valley of despair,
This will be my cry, my song, my prayer:
Lord, make my life an alleluia.

Make my life an alleluia,
A gift of love to you, my King.
I will join with all creation
In the song that the heavens sing!
The earth will turn, and the planets spin,
As the seasons ebb and flow;
Still, Your grace surrounds me as I go,
Lord make my life an alleluia.

Make my life an alleluia,
This off’ring of myself I give
I will share Your grace and mercy
For as long as I shall live.
When I come to my journey’s end,
May those left behind be reminded,
This has been my cry, my song, my prayer:
Lord, make my life an alleluia.

                                        Ruth Elaine Schram

Monday, February 14, 2011


I've always loved V-day!  I think it's one of the best holidays invented!  I know, I know.  People waste TONS of money on stupid flowers and chocolate on Valentine's day.  But, really, in spite of that, I think it makes people slow down and think about the ones they love.  I LOVE Valentine's Day! 

You can ask my mom--it goes way back!  My mom always made Valentine's Day special. She always made us homemade cards, served a special meal, and had us come up with special ways that we could show love to our siblings and our parents on that day but also in ways that would last beyond Valentine's Day itself.
As the years passed, I continued doing special things for Valentine's Day.  I often buy my friends a stuffed animal (that I know they'll throw away, but I do it anyway!!), chocolate, socks...something that will make them smile--even if they think I'm a lunatic.

So, what are your special plans for Valentine's Day?  Are you doing something special for someone?  Are you reminding someone that they are important to you?  Are you letting someone know you care?  Take time today to show those in your life that you care for them.  A quick email, a note in the mail, an e-card, a small gift card to their favorite coffee shop, a phone call, a text something for someone today.  Let someone you care about know that you appreciate them and love them for who they are.

Make Valentine's Day special!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Busy about Service

Tonight I listened to a sermon by Joe Tyrpak on singleness.  Joe has a way with hitting the nail directly on the head! Wowzers!  I also recommend this one.  You'll think twice about getting married after listening to it! It was very encouraging, and it motivated me to write something that is/has been on my heart.

As a single person, I am aware that it is easy to be selfish and self-centered.  Because of that, I have purposed in my heart to do everything in my possibility to thwart those natural tendencies.  I am very well aware that EVERYONE struggles with self-absorption...but I also know that mothers are forced, whether willingly or unwillingly, to think of others and put other needs above their own.  For example, I just am totally awed at the selflessness of having to get up in the night with crying children.  I LOVE my sleep.  Do NOT interfere with my sleep.  If you want me to be a gracious, kind, helpful person during the day, then do NOT interfere with my sleep.  I repeat.  Do NOT! I find that my graciousness and my servant-mindedness are greatly thwarted when I do not get the hours of sleep that I think my body requires.  Losing sleep alone calls for large amounts of putting other's needs before one's own needs.  See my point?  Sure, I'll long as it is on MY terms.

So, how is it easy to be self-ish?  I don't come home to a mess created by others (I do come home to a mess, but it is, unfortunately, my own!);  I don't have to make sure that children are clothed, fed, and bathed;  I don't have to make sure the needs of my husband are met; etc....  Overall, I could very easily have a self-centered life.  It is natural.  It appeals to my flesh.

However, I long ago determined that I did not want to be the stereo-typical single female.  You know, the one who comes home from work, eats microwave meals in front of the TV while petting her cat, and acts, in general, like death warmed over!  (Not a whole lot of fear there for me, as I strongly dislike cats!)  And, the woman who, in modern times, updates her FB status with comments that "draw out pity" from others about their sink leaking and how "they need a man" to fix it!  (Or those that write stories about flying rodents and wishing there were a man around to take care of it!!!  :-) )  You may laugh, or you may be offended, but you know what I mean.  (And, please, I am not saying that all single women with a cat fall into this stereo-typical single that I am describing.  I know many who are not.)  But, unfortunately, I have known many who are--w/o the cat!

So, if I was not going to be this "old-maid", how was I going to avoid it?  What, exactly, was I going to do to make sure that I did not become this "old-maid"?  I quickly realized that I was going to have to be intentional about it.  I was going to have to make specific plans that would make sure I did not become that "old-maid" that I saw in so many around me, and that I found to be very un-Christ-like.

I went to the Scriptures first and discovered that singleness was a good thing.  And, you know why or how it's a good thing?  Because of the ministry to the Church.  God NEEDS singles in the Church to fulfill His plan in the Church.  That is an amazing thing.  In our Christian society, marriage and the family are highly promoted--and rightfully so--it is vitally important.  But in uplifting marriage our fundamental circles have tended to lessen the importance of singleness or at least have neglected the vitality and Gospel purpose of singleness.  What I found in the Scriptures is that Paul lifts singleness up.  He makes a very strong argument for the effectiveness of ministry that a single person can have that a married person cannot because she is tied down to the things of this world.  Those "things" are good things in their rightful place, but they do monopolize her time.  A mother's primary ministry is to her husband and children.  A single lady is not so encumbered.  I discovered that I had a purpose for being single.  That purpose was (is) to minister to the Church. 

That was when I purposed in my heart that I would use my singleness as God intended: to minister to the local Church.  I also purposed that I would work at not being a self-centered person.  I don't have the "built-in" aid of children "forcing" me to think beyond my own needs.  I knew that I had to be purposeful.  I had to plan.

So, I began.  I sat down and brainstormed.  What were some things that I could do that fit my gifts, my personality?  What were some things that I could do that would stretch me?  Take me out of my comfort zone?

I could: 
  • have people into my home
  • host gatherings
  • fix meals for those who were sick or just had a baby
  • get coffee with that "new" lady at church
  • babysit so that a young couple could have an evening out
  • send an email to someone I knew was discouraged
  • work in the nursery
  • get involved with a family that I could be an "aunt" to and minister to their family
  • pray for the mothers of our assembly--that they would find joy and fulfillment as they minister in a sometimes thankless environment
  • go out of my way at church to offer a word of encouragement to an elderly lady
  • plan a luncheon for ladies to help them get to know each other
  • teach a SS class (if that is a possibility)
The list goes on, but I'll stop there.  It takes some time and some effort, but it is the most fulfilling, satisfying, and exciting thing you will ever do.  When we are busy about the service of the Lord, when we are busy doing what God has called us to do, when we are busy being selfLESS, there is no time for being selfISH.

When I find myself getting down or lonely, I remember what I'm here for.  I'm here to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.  I'm not here to mope.  I'm not here to make others feel sorry for me.  I'm not here to be bitter, acting as if God has made some huge mistake, and I'm going to sit in my house and pout and feel sorry for myself.  At those times, when those feelings come, and they do come, I set about being grateful that God has deemed me worthy to minister to His Church through singleness; I set about ministering to others.

As I'm busy about service, I find that I am completely fulfilled, that I am full of joy.  I find that I am ministering to others in ways that I never even dreamed of.  I find that, even being single (!!!), I have a distinct purpose in Christ's plan.  The Gospel is furthered; God is glorified, and I am fulfilling my purpose in life: to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

So, let's be busy about service, my single and married friends.  Fulfill to the fullest God's plan for you:  whether it is doing the thankless job of mothering or dealing with the loneliness of singleness.  In both, when looking at others and being motivated by the Gospel, we can find complete and total fulfillment and joy.

So, plan, be purposeful, be deliberate about service--if you're married--to your children and husband first (and hence the Church), if you're single--to others within the Church.  It will change your life; it will change someone else's life; it will cause you to glorify God; it will make you a ministry-oriented person instead of self-absorbed person.

Be busy about Service!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Single Gal's Gotta Do What A Single Gal's Gotta Do!

I SERIOUSLY deserve the Good Neighbor of the Year Award!

Let me set the stage.

I've just finished a wonderful day of worship in the Lord's house, done some exercising, and working on a presentation that I have to make to the entire faculty on Wednesday of this week--that alone will probably be another "note"-- I am relaxing from the day and mentally preparing to go to bed so as to be ready for an incredibly busy upcoming week.

Suddenly, at 10:15 pm, my 70 year old widowed neighbor calls in a state of panic. 

Frankie: Donna, I don't know what to do.
Me: Frankie, what's wrong?
Frankie:  I don't know what to do.  There's something on my floor. I think it might be a bat.
Now at this point, I about drop the phone. 

Me:  A WHAT?
Frankie: A bat? I don't know--something like that.  I don't know what to do.  Oh, Donna.

Now at this point, my mind is reeling.  I WANT to say:  "Do you realize whom you are calling? I do NOT handle rodents, let alone FLYING rodents!  Seriously, could you not have called Animal Control?  They have professionals for this.  However, calmly (though my heart is already racing..)

Me:  Are you sure, Frankie?
Frankie:  Oh, I don't know.  I don't know what to do.
Me: [Trying to appear like I deal with FLYING RODENTS every day]  Just a minute let me put my shoes on.  I'll be right over.

 Now, this is the girl that cannot handle a roach--or as people around here like to call them Palmetto Bugs (say in high pitched voice with a southern accent)  (like a different name somehow makes them better).  WHATEVER.  A roach is a roach is a roach.  I do NOT do fast moving anythings.  Give me a spider ANYDAY!  This is the girl that changed her status every 2 seconds last year as she was panicked over a "noise" coming from the chimney and had to have a friend talk me through closing the flue...and SCREAMED taking out the eadrums of said friend as I closed the flue.  It ended up being a poor (right!) little frog which my cousin graciously removed from my house.

And now, you want ME to deal with a FLYING RODENT??  This is seriously going to take supernatural intervention.
I reluctantly put on my shoes wondering whom I would call if I were to find FLYING RODENTS on MY kitchen floor.  I walk over praying as I go--seriously.
I quietly--secretly hoping she wouldn't hear me--knock on the door.  And, I didn't want to scare said flying rodent--though I remember later that they are afraid of noise, right???  I need to ask my 5th grade boys.
Frankie: [hollering]  DONNA??
Me:  Yes, it's me.  Do you want me to go to the front door?
Frankie:  [Muffled scream]
Me:  Frankie????
Door opens.
I walk in and utter my diagnosis.  It IS a FLYING RODENT.  OH! What is a single gal supposed to do with a FLYING RODENT on the kitchen floor?????????????????????????????
Frankie has a blanket...I don't think a blanket is the best idea.  I won't know if I've picked it up or not and said FLYING RODENT will go flying around and completely freak us both out.

Frankie:  Do you think I should call John?
Me: John?
Frankie: John, our neighbor.
Me:  [Internally]  John?  Why didn't you call JOHN in the first place?????????????????????????
Me:  Naw....but how many single women does it take to catch a bat?

Seriously.  Is that even a joke?  Okay, I digress.

Me:  Do you have a bucket?
Bucket produced in somewhat panic stricken state.

Me:  Do you have a piece of cardboard I can slide under?
Cardboard produced in somewhat panic stricken state.

I approach gingerly making lots of noise--bats don't like noise, right?  I need to ask my 5th grade boys.
Bucket over FLYING RODENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am P.R.O.U.D. of myself!

But, said rodent is still IN the house.
 I slide a piece of cardboard under the bucket, but I catch the leg.  The FLYING RODENT goes balistic.  Oh, dear. This is possibly more than I can handle.

Me:  Poor thing--I caught his leg.  [OMW did I just say "Poor thing" about a FLYING RODENT?????]  Yikes!

I work to get said leg back under the bucket while keeping the cardboard firmly pushed against bucket. I am NOT dealing with a FLYING FLYING RODENT.

Mission accomplished.  Now, to pick UP the bucket and cardboard and FLYING RODENT.
Mission accomplished!  I am P.R.O.U.D. of myself!

I walk carefully out the door up and away from the house. I take a DEEP breath and pick up bucket and fling cardboard (w/o releasing it) AWAY from me.  Said FLYING RODENT squeals in delight--I'm quite sure it was "Why thank you, kind and brave and generous lady" as he flies or jumps or I-don't-know-and-I-don't-care away.

My heart is starting to return to normal though I'm quite sure I just shaved off about 5 years of heartbeats.
I think I need to go shower! Ick!


I LOVE this granola.  My mom made this when we were young from time to time, and we all loved it.  I now eat it for breakfast mixed with yogurt almost every day! 

Pre-heat oven to 275F.

8 c. oatmeal (quick oats)
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. wheat germ (I don't usually put this in b/c it is so expensive.)
1 c. coconut
1 c. chopped nuts (I use walnuts or pecans depending on what I have on hand.)
Mix in large pan.  (My sister uses a cookie sheet, but I end up making a mess when I use a cookie sheet.)

Then mix:
3/4 c. oil
3/4 c. water
1/4 c. honey
1 Tbs. salt
1 Tbs. vanilla
Heat in microwave for a minute or two so as to be able to mix and get salt mixed in well.

Pour over dry ingredients.  Stir until moisture is evenly distributed.

Bake at 275 for 2 hours stirring every 15-20 minutes.  (I often cook it for about 1 hr. and then turn oven off and leave overnight.  Should be a nice golden brown with a delicious crunch when done.  Enjoy with milk, yogurt, on a parfait, or just as a dry snack.
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I made about 30 of these for my students the other day, and I thought I'd share.  I got some great pictures of them eating them, but I'm not comfortable putting their pictures on the web, so....

The story behind the Crepe Day holiday:

In France, February 2 is "Le Jour de la Chandeleur". (Origin from chandelier--light.) (It coincides with our Groundhog Day!)  The origin of the holiday is very mixed!  It has some Greek mythological things thrown in, but the Catholics made it into a holiday to celebrate the Purification of Mary--exactly 40 days after Christmas.  (A Jewish women was required to go to the temple to offer "purification" sacrifices 40 days after the birth of a male child.)  This became known as the holiday of blessings. 

As time passed, tradition and superstition replaced the religiosity of the event.  If the weather was nice on this day of blessings then an early spring was predicted and a good harvest.  If on the day of the Chandelle the weather was bad, there would be 40 more days of winter and the harvest would be bad.

The crepe was added as to help celebrate this 1/2 way point of winter and day of blessings.  It was round and yellow to represent the sun.  It was the promise that spring would come again!  So, now it has become know as "Le jour de la crepe."

Crepes are a tradition and major part of the French culture.  They are very easy to make and can be served in literally thousands of ways.  The most traditional way is to simply coat with a thin layer of sugar, roll, and enjoy.  More commonly people add nutella, peanut butter, honey, jams....and they are often used as meals filled with cheeses, ham, sauces....all kinds of fun and delicious ways.

4 eggs
1 1/3 c. milk
2 Tbls. oil
1c. flour
1/2 tsp. salt
Mix well.
Makes about 15 small sized crepes.

It is best to have an official crepe pan, but a regular frying pan will do!  Crepe pans are completely flat and light with a very small lip making it easy to flip the crepes into the air! 

Using a napkin or a paper towel lightly coat the pan with oil.
Use a measuring cup (about 1/4c.) pour mixture rapidly, while turning pan around so as to spread evenly.
This is how thin it should be.  A crepe is not a pancake!  The crepe will slowly begin to dry out.  When the edges begin to rise, start trying to slide crepe around on pan.  When it slides as you move the pan, it is ready to flip.  (Sometimes you have to encourage it by using the edge of a fork.)  Flip over.  (I had no one here to take pictures of my flips, but I do flip them!)  Let other side sit on hot pan for about 60 seconds.

Slide onto plate.  Repeat.  Repeat. Repeat.... Before you know it, you have a nice golden pile!

Sprinkle with sugar, roll, and enjoy!  Yummy-ness!
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Two Simple Salad Variations

I really do think that my favorite food in the world is salad! Seriously, I really really do love salad. I think what I like most about salads is that you can do so so many variations with it. You can have a plain lettuce and vinaigrette salad, a traditional tossed salad (limited number of vegetables), chef's salad, or...a REAL chef's salad such as: Designer salad, Creative Salad, Artwork Salad!! (Okay, getting carried away here, I agree!)
Anyway, I've decided to blog some of my variations-- My new favorite thing on salads is blueberries--absolutely amazing! And, with salads, I am learning more about how creative God is and why He made us to enjoy food so much. He gave me the taste buds to enjoy His foods. I just need to learn to control my passion!
Salad 1:

This particular salad: green leaf lettuce (NEVER use Iceberg lettuce!! It has no nutritional value, and it is completely tasteless. I know leaf lettuce takes more work as you have to wash it, but buy yourself a spinner (Here's a somewhat pricey one, but you can get them cheaper at Walmart or Target.).
tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, red onions, red pepper, 3oz of grilled chicken, 1oz of babybel cheese, blueberries, and a nut mix. Topped with a light coating of a delicious balsamic vinaigrette.

Salad 2:

This particular salad was super delish as well, but simpler!  This is green lettuce (do I need to get on my soap box again?!) red onion, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, blueberries (again!), grated swiss cheese, and sunflower seeds (another new fav!).  Topped with a light balsamic vinaigrette. 
Result: DELICIOUS, HEALTHFUL, INVIGORATING! Not only is it good and good for you, but it's BEAUTIFUL.

Try something similar and treat your taste buds and your health!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Why Do You Do What You Do?

I wrote this several months back.  I hope it can be a help and blessing to you--and an encouragment to DO RIGHT.
Let's face it, we are humans, and as humans we need to see results.  We KNOW that we should do the right thing all the time even when no one is watching; we've all heard the definition of character: character is doing the right thing even when no one else knows; we all know that we should do the right thing because that is what God demands.  But let's be realistic:  do you ever grow impatient when your tomato plant doesn't produce tomatoes as quickly as you'd hoped?  Do you always discipline your children because it's the right thing to do or sometimes in anger because they are driving you crazy?  Or do you always pray because you desire to commune with God or just because you want something?  Or do you always go to church on Wednesday night because you desire fellowship with other believers and growth in the Word or perhaps because other people will notice and wonder at your absence?   Or do you go the speed limit just because you want to obey the law?  Isn't it more because you don't want to get caught and thereby get a ticket?  Aha.  See.  I'm right, aren't I? We do or don't do things because of the results obtained. 
So, what happens when your child is still disobeying and you're exhausted from disciplining?  Do you quit?  Do you quit praying when God doesn't seem to answer?  Do you quit going to church because no one seems to talk to you anyway?  Do you drive at reckless speeds because you know there are no cops out?  Do you give up and eat with total abandon because you don't see a weight loss on the scale?  Unfortunately, I know people that have reacted in that manner in each of those areas (including myself!).  Why? Because we are sinners, and we just don't always do right for the sake of doing right.

Do we always see immediate results from our actions?  No.  In reality we don't.  I've never been stopped by the police and thanked for going the speed limit. I've never been stopped by the police for speeding (yet, I admit, I have.)  My student's don't always respond instantly and obediently when I reprimand them.  I don't always see immediate spiritual growth from reading the Word, praying, or going to church.  However, on the long-term, over time, after months of seeming-less no results something happens.  The tomato eventually turns red, the child eventually learns obedience and peace reigns, I find myself relishing my relationship with God, and I have not had any fatal accidents caused by my recklessness.  It's really quite simple.  The Scriptures admonish us:  So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin. (James 4:17, ESV).  Immediate visible results?  Rarely.  Long-lasting results?  Always.

Don't quit just because you did right and didn't get the desired immediate effect.  Do right not because you (or someone else) will see and reward, but because God says: whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Quinoa Salad

This salad is either loved or hated! I don't think there is middle ground! Quinoa is becoming more and more popular, but it is still relatively unknown. Therefore, it raises people's eyebrows a bit. It is actually, very good and very good for you. In fact, it has more nutrients packed into it than any other grain. The French eat this alot and so this summer when we were heading out on a family picnic, my mom "threw" it at me and said "Make a salad!" So, I asked a lot of questions along the way, but ended up making an absolutely delicious salad. We were all hooked! There are two key factors to this salad: 1) the vinaigrette--it's gotta have 'kick'; 2) the vegetables have to be finely diced. (I've made it for church fellowships twice now--and brought back enough for meals for several days. I don't think these southern folks appreciate my fine culinary tastes and skills!!! teehee!! =D)

Donna's Vinaigrette
1/2 c olive oil
1/2 c. conola oil
1/2 c. red wine vinager
1 TBS (heaping) dijon mustard (The kick!)
1 TBS granulated garlic
1 tsp. salt
Shake (or mix) VERY well. Set aside.

Quinoa Salad
1c. (uncooked) quinoa--cook as directed on package (Cooked is about 3 c.)
2 tsp. garlic powder
1 small FINELY chopped red onion
1 finely diced red pepper
1 finely diced green pepper
3 finely diced carrots
½-1 finely diced cucumber
1 tomato finely diced (if desired--I don't usually do tomato.)
2 TBS finely chopped parsley or cilantro
(Any other fresh vegetables that you like--just dice them finely.)
Pour ½ of dressing over salad.
Mix well.
Chill in refrigerator for about 30 minutes (or more).
Add more dressing to taste.
Serve chilled.
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Chicken Parmesan

So, what do I use my tomato sauce for? Glad you asked!
Wanna make people think you worked hard and long over a dinner? Glad you said "Yes!"
This meal is fast, easy, and scrumptious--now mind you it's fast, easy, and scrumptious, IF you've made your homemade tomato sauce and are able to pull it right out of the freezer in order to add it to this delicious chicken dish. Again, I make extra chicken, and then freeze in Ziplock containers (or disposable foil pans)--I personally only freeze one chicken breast per container, but... ;) It makes it super easy for me to just grab a container out of the freezer and basically have my lunch ready to go. Freeze enough for your family, and you have a really quick meal, or a meal to pull out and send to someone in need. Serve over: rice, couscous, quinoa, noodles, or just with vegetables.
Chicken Parmesan a la Donna
Mozzerella cheese
8 chicken breasts (cut in 1/2 or left whole as desired)
marinade: (I'm making for a lot of chicken. If doing less, just reduce amounts.)
1/2 c. soy sauce
2 TBS. Worchester sauce
1 TBS. garlic
1/4 c. olive oil
2 TBS. brown sugar
Mix well to dissolve sugar. Place chicken and marinade in Ziplock bag. Refrigerate for at least 1/2 hour. (I often marinade overnight, but have done it for as little as 1/2 hour!)

Preheat oven to 375.
Place chicken in baking pan with marinade. Cover generously with tomoato sauce. Bake for 45 min (if chicken breasts are halved; 1hr. if whole). Remove and cover with grated mozzerella cheese. Return to oven for about 10 minutes. (When cooking to freeze: cook 15 minutes less. Cool. Freeze. Thaw and place in preheated oven for 30 minutes.)
Serve hot over noodles.
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World's Best Tomato Sauce

Here is a fairly simple homemade tomato sauce. I promise, once you make your own, you will never buy spaghetti sauce out of a can again! I make up a lot and then freeze in ziplock bags. Carefully pour into ziplock bag desired amount. Get as much air out as possible. Please on cookie sheet; freeze. Remove from cookie sheet, place in larger Ziplock, and you have tomato sauce for a multitude of recipes within arms reach. A wonderful thing to have when you don't feel like cooking!
I strongly recommend investing in a chopper. I personally like this one from Pampered Chef, but cheaper (and yes, I said cheaper, not inexpensive--they're cheaper!) can be found in most stores in the kitchen section.
I have to give Gina's Skinny Recipes the basic credit for this recipe. I've made a few adjustments along the way. :) That's me, I rarely follow a recipe to the T.
2 lg cans of petite diced tomatoes
2 lg cans of crushed tomatoes
2 TBS olive oil
3 cloves garlic, smashed (or 3 TBS of pre-chopped garlic)
1 onion, finely chopped
2 c. carrots, finely chopped
1 c. chicken broth
1 TBS soy sauce
1 TBS brown sugar
Saute garlic in oil, add onions and tomatoes. Saute for 3-5 minutes
Add tomatoes, chicken broth, soy sauce, and brown sugar and simmer for 45 minutes.
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Thursday, January 20, 2011

"Cooking Big"

One thing I like to do is "cook big." What I mean by that is to cook large amounts. I made this recipe big, and now, I have a HUGE pot. This is good on multiple levels. 1) I will freeze a bunch of individual meals so that I don't have to think about lunches for school. And, 2) I will freeze at least 1 family size larger amount in a ziplock container to have handy for a meal for a family in need when the opportunity presents itself. I like to always be prepared--makes it much less stressful when I get a call at the last minute that someone "needs a meal, would you mind making one?"
When I get a better picture--i.e. I add the "pretty stuff"--I'll change out the picture.

I didn't have the cilantro and all that stuff to make it look pretty, but I thought I'd post a picture anyway.
In the meantime, check out this website for the recipe and a much prettier/yummier photo. This site is great for new recipe ideas (most of which are fairly simple), and are also light and health conscious. I have become a fan and visit the site nearly daily. I don't always follow her recipes exactly, but she gives great ideas. And, to top it all off.....she gives all the nutritional information making it very easy to know how many calories you're consumming or how many WW points! Definitely worth saving as a "favorite." This recipe is definitely a keeper. Make up a bunch, and have it for days--and it's healthy to boot!
I found this recipe at .
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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Guarding Your Heart

About a year ago we had a special Sunday School series at our church.  The class was for ladies from teenage and up that were primarily either single or widowed. I was able to present several of the sessions, and it was a great experience of allowing the Lord to work in my own life on topics that weren’t always that “comfortable.” Over the course of the next few months, I hope to take those outlines and write some articles to go with them.  I trust they will be a blessing and encouragement—and if anyone wants to help proofread, please let me know!!

We chose Proverbs 31 as our basis.  It can almost sound trite to choose that passage—a very common passage for ladies meetings, seminars, mother’s day messages, etc…  However, this was primarily a group of single ladies, and Proverbs 31 is for the married lady, right?  Wrong!  And I hope in the next few posts that you will rapidly come to agree with me.  Let’s start by remembering that Solomon was looking for a wife.  He was not looking for a lady that was already married and already proved that she had done all of the above.  He was actually looking for a single lady who was doing (notice the active/progressive verb) all of the above in her realm and to her ability.  That person would then be able to fall into the role of wife and mother with great ease.


Proverbs 312:  She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.

I first started pondering that verse many years ago, but it seems that as time goes on and meditating continues I begin to glean more and more from just a few simple words.  So, how does this verse apply to ME.  I’m nearly 37 and single.  How can I do him good, and not harm all the days of  my life?  I don’t even know if I’ll ever get married.  In fact, realistically, I probably won’t.  But do I know I’m not going to get married?  Is that absolutely certain?  No.  Therefore, can I just ignore that verse?  Unfortunately, not.  I’m still held accountable.  Bummer!

Where then do I start?  How can I do good to some guy, who may or may not even exist?  This is where the meditation really kicked in.  I had some concerns.  I didn’t want to be doing good just for some unknown guy.  That sounded trite and even unspiritual.  So, I delved more into the Scriptures. 

I found myself going back to some basic children’s catechisms.  Who made you?  God made me.  What else did God make?  God made all things.  Why did God make you and all things?  God made me and all things for His own glory.  Wait, stop.  What?  Okay, that’s just the kid stuff, so let’s go to the real Westminster Shorter Catechism.  Question 1: What is the chief end of man?  The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.  Still not convinced?  Let’s go to the Scriptures.

Isaiah 60:2. Thy people also shall be all righteous: they shall inherit the land for ever, the branch of my planting, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified. (KJV)
Romans 11:36 For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen. (KJV)
1 Corinthians 6:20; 10:31 For ye have been bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body.... Whether then you eat, or drink, whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
Revelation 4:11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

So, I really was created for God’s glory.  That, my friends, is pressure.  A good kind of pressure!  As one of God’s created beings, I was created for His glory.  As one of God’s chosen, I have a responsibility to strive to bring Him glory. That, therefore, is my ultimate motivation.  And what an incredibly high calling!  I am called to bring God glory.  One of the ways He calls me to glorify Him is by doing a potential husband good all the days of my life.  Not just while I’m married to him; but before, during, and after: all.  Just like whatever I do, whether I eat or drink, whatever…it is all to be for HIS glory.  The BEST way to do good to some unknown, potential, or seemingly unlikely guy is first and foremost to glorify God.

So, where do I start?

Nancy Leigh DeMoss in her book, Lies Women Believe, says: “Everything else about your life flows out of what's in your heart: what you say, what you do, how you think, how you react, your emotions, your choices, your whole future life springs out of what's in your heart. We sin not because of our environment, not because of our upbringing, but because of what's in our heart.” 

We were born in sin.  The only way to glorify God in our lives is by first allowing Him to become King and Ruler of our lives.  The basis for everything is the heart.  Even after we’ve allowed Christ to take possession of our lives, we have to begin working at making conscious decisions to glorify God: we have to guard our hearts.  (Deuteronomy 8:13-14).

These thoughts led me to Proverbs 4:23:  Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life.  In its context, this verse suggests that keeping or watching or guarding your heart means to retain wise words and resist wicked desires.  Again we are looking at an active/progressive verb.  It is something that must be happening continually.

What does the Bible mean by the word “heart”?  It means the causual core of your personhood.  It is your directional system, your steering wheel.  Your behavior isn’t caused by the situations and relationships outside of you.  It’s caused by the way your heart reacts to those things.  (Paul Tripp)

I Chronicles 28:9 says, "And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.

So, the heart, the “causal core” of our being is the mind.  I must actively control my mind.  When I think of the mind, I naturally think of a computer: a technological brain.  Imagine life without a computer.  Amazingly, it was just a mere 15 years ago when it was rare for a family to have a computer. Today, nearly everyone above the age of 10 has their own personal computer.  And, the idea for the computer came from the brain.  Therefore the analogy, though perhaps overused, is legitimate!

In order to “watch” or “guard” my mind I have to Program my mind for truth. 
I Peter 1:13: Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
I Peter 5: 8: Be sober-minded, be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
Romans12:2: Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
I Peter 1:14: As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance,
Psalm 51:10:  Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

These are just a few of the verses in Scripture that deal with the mind. Notice that all of them have active verbs associated with them!  In an effort to determine how to program my mind for truth, I realized that there are thousands of ways to do just that.  However, there are some things that we must do if we are to really “reboot” our minds. 

A computer can only do what it is programmed to do.  It does not just magically correct our spelling errors; it does not just magically allow us to create beautiful flyers, letters, or cards.  It has to have been programmed to correct errors; it has to have been programmed for creating fliers.  You get the picture.  If someone has not spent time putting something into the computer, it will not do anything.  Our minds are similar.  However, unfortunately we are not a blank slate, like some would teach.  We are born programmed.  Programmed for deceit, for wickedness.  Therefore, we have to work hard to program our minds for truth. 

The first thing I see as vital for programming our minds for truth is to program time for Bible reading, meditation, and prayer.  In reading Psalm 119, I was overwhelmed—this Psalm is saturated with reminders of meditating on God’s Word:
1:  How blessed are those whose way is blameless, Who walk in the law of the LORD.
            2:  How blessed are those who observe His testimonies, Who seek Him with all their heart.
9:  How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to Your word.
     10:  With all my heart I have sought You; Do not let me wander from Your commandments.
     11:  Your word I have treasured in my heart, That I may not sin against You.
     12:  Blessed are You, O LORD;  Teach me Your statutes.
Specific steps have to be taken to program time to read God’s Word.  It won’t just happen.  Life gets in the way; we are naturally undisciplined, and we naturally put off those important things.  A specific time, location, environment—something that works for you—but it must be deliberate or it will not happen.

Programming time for discipleship and accountability is another vital element to a life that is going to glorify God and an active way to help guard our minds. 
Proverbs 27:6 says: Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But deceitful are the kisses of an enemy.  Or verse 9 of the same chapter says: Oil and perfume make the heart glad, So a man's counsel is sweet to his friend.  Again in Psalm 141:5 we read:  Let the righteous smite me in kindness and reprove me; It is oil upon the head; Do not let my head refuse it. 

Ladies, we cannot do this on our own.  Discipleship and accountability are indispensable to the Christian walk.  Without it we will fall.  The primary source of our accountability comes through the local church.  Involving ourselves actively in a local church offers accountability and discipleship that are essential in helping us in the battle of guarding the mind. Godly friendships are another source of accountability.  We must be willing to share our struggles, to seek help, to seek support in others.
The last thing I am going to list as vital in programming our minds for truth is programming time for Christian literature.
            Deuteronomy 4:10:  "Remember the day you stood before the LORD your God at Horeb, when the LORD said to me, 'Assemble the people to Me, that I may let them hear My word so they may learn to fear Me all the days they live on the earth, and that they may teach their children.' Deuteronomy 31:13 says: And that their children, which have not known any thing, may hear, and learn to fear the LORD your God, as long as ye live in the land whither ye go over Jordan to possess it.
Proverbs 1:5
A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:2 Timothy 3:14: But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;Titus 2:3-5  Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, 4and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, 5to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.
These verses obviously don’t say, “Go read a good Christian book”, but the principle is there.  We need to learn from those who have gone before us.  How much I have gleaned from godly men and women who have taken the time to write literature that will help us in our walk with God.  Reading books by these people will help us in programming our minds for truth.  We can avoid pitfalls and grow spiritually by gleaning from godly literature.  Again, if you’re anything like I am, you must schedule the time for reading.  If you’re not sure where to start, ask two or three people that you look up to spiritually for a list of their top 5 recommendations.  You’ll be amazed at the incredible wealth of possibilities you will gain.  Read and program your mind for truth.
Not only must a computer be programmed with specific programs to function as we want it to, it must be programmed with a virus scan.  If not, within hours of being connected to the internet, the computer will be bombarded with literally thousands of viruses.  The same thing is happening to our minds.  We live in an evil and corrupt world.  We are constantly bombarded with images, language, mentalities that are completely contrary to God’s Word.  If we are not actively scanning for error, we will not be successful in our effort to guard our minds.
So, what must I do to scan for error?  The first thing is to be proactive.  The word “guard” itself connotes a proactive action.  A guard doesn’t come out when he finds out that there is a robber.  He is waiting, watching, looking for where there are weaknesses and a robber could sneak through; he is constantly looking for the potential of a robber.  He isn’t sleeping or playing games or watching movies until he finds out that there is one.
I Peter 1:13 Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Job 29:14 put on righteousness, and it clothed me;   my justice was like a robe and a turban.
Luke 12:35 "Stay dressed for action and keep your lamps burning.
Be proactive.  That means that we must take steps prior to situations.  We must determine ahead of time how we are going to respond in different situations.  I have had to sit down and write out for my own mind how I am going to react to situations at work, people mocking morality, people trying to get me to drink (when that goes against my personal conscience), being confronted with pornography (yes, ladies, let’s face it, it isn’t just a problem with men), being asked to watch movies that we know go against God’s commands and are offensive, how I will respond if asked out by an unbeliever, what are the lines I will not cross with a man…the list goes on and on.  We must be proactive.
We must be proactive, and we must be vigilant.  Have you noticed above how many times I mentioned that the verbs were active/progressive verbs?  We mentioned that a guard is proactive.  He doesn’t lie in bed until he hears a robber breaking in—he is watching, walking, prowling himself!  He is awake, alert, attentive, cautious.

I Peter 5: 8: Be sober-minded, be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
Revelation 3:2:  Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.
I Peter 4:7: But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.
I Corinthians 16:13:  Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.
Psalm 102:7: I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the house top.
Proverbs 8:34:  Blessed is the man that hears me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors.
Matthew 24:42:  Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.
Ladies, we have to be on the alert.  We have to be serious about this.  It is so easy to fall prey to Satan’s wiles.  He knows us, maybe better than we know ourselves.  He will wait until our guard is down, and he will present himself as an angel of light.  He cunningly deceived Eve—he twisted God’s words and convinced her that she was doing right—how?—her guard was down. If you take 60 seconds, I am sure you can come up with a list of names that outnumber your fingers of young women who have fallen: whether morally or otherwise.  Watch out!  Stay on guard.  Don’t ever fall to the temptation of think that you are too spiritual, too strong, that “it would never happen to me.”  That is when Satan will strike hardest.
No matter how proactive and vigilant we are, there are going to be times when it boils down to simple resistance.  We must resist. 
James 4:7, 11  Resist the devil and he will flee from you…. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.

When those times of temptation come, we have to run.  We have to use the Scriptures to battle those temptations.  We have to learn to say “no”.  God, in His mercy, has given us a way of escape.  However, if we have not programmed our minds, we will not have the fortitude to resist when those times of temptation come.  It all goes back to how we have spent time programming our minds.  The programming will determine our ability to resist.  We can “ruin” our lives in a matter of a few seconds or one bad decision.  (I put ruin in quotes because God can take the “biggest” sin and offer forgiveness and restitution.  However, there will be consequences and the course of our life will be forever altered.)

Programming our minds for truth and being vigilant about scanning for error will enable us to have victory and output godliness.  Every aspect of our lives will be affected.  I will discuss just a few key areas where we will begin to see godliness pouring out rather than selfishness, sin, and deceit.

Our speech:  our speech will become uplifting and encouraging.
Matthew 12:34: O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
Our actions and reactions:  what we even want to do will become more and more Christ-like, and our automatic choices will be more in line with God’s holiness.
John 319-21 And this is the judgment the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.
Our thoughts:  if we’ve properly programmed, we will have the power to control our thoughts.
Philippians 4:8: Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Our emotions:  I could park here for a while—we have no excuse for not controlling our emotions; but it will be significantly easier when we have taken the proper steps in guarding our minds.
Psalm 42:5: Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation 6and my God.
Our choices: the decisions we make will be governed by God’s standards because our desires will be governed by His thoughts.
Psalm 37:4: Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Guarding my mind will enable me to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. He is the One who will receive my praise for eternity.  It is essential for me to program my mind for truth by filling it with the Scriptures, having godly accountability, and learning from those who have gone before.  I must also be on the alert for the devil who is seeking to destroy me, God’s name, and my ability to serve in the local church.  And finally, I must allow those changes to bring about godliness in my daily life.  These are steps that must be taken if I am going to do him good.   Ultimately, it doesn’t matter whether I ever marry.  I am called to godliness.  I am called to glorify God.  If God chooses to give me a husband, I want to be sure that I have been taking the steps and doing him good during my singleness.  If God chooses to continue to give me singleness, I want to be sure that I am taking the steps of glorifying Him in my life and enjoying Him now.

This prayer by John Wesley has become very dear to me.  For years I kept it on a 4x6 card so that I could read it frequently throughout the day.

O God, fill my soul with so entire a love for Thee that I may love nothing but for Thy sake and in subordination to Thy love.  Give me grace to study Thy knowledge daily that the more I know Thee, the more I may love Thee.  Create in me a zealous obedience to all Thy commands, a cheerful patience under all Thy chastisements, and a thankful resignation to all Thy disposals.  Let it be the one business of my life to glorify Thee by every word of my tongue, by every work of my hand, by professing Thy truth, and by engaging all men, so far as in me lies, to glorify and love Thee.  (John Wesley)

I leave you with this thought, ladies, Guard Your Heart: For Out of It Will Flow Your Life Story.