Friday, December 10, 2010

Swedish Creme

Tonight I had my two French teacher co-workers over.  Actually, we went out for dinner, and then came back here for dessert and to chat around the tree.  It was a nice time of developing relationships for the sake of the Gospel.  I was a bit short on time and remembered this delicious dessert and decided to make it.  I love making "pretty" desserts!

This dessert is courtesy of my dear sister-in-law, Jennie Bixby.
She first introduced me to this on one of my first Christmases away from home.
Talk about "comfort food", this is "comfort food"!
A very simple, fast, and fattening dessert.  (Oops, did I just write fattening?!)
Absolutely decadent!

Swedish Creme
2 c. heavy whipping cream (pretty much anything Jennie makes has heavy whipping cream in it!)
1 c. sugar
1 env. gelatin
1 tsp. vanilla (clear)
1 tsp. almond extract
2 c. sour cream
1 c. frozen fruit
Combine, cook and stir cream and sugar over low heat until 160 degrees. Remove from stove and stir in gelatin, vanilla and almond extract. Cool 10 minutes. Whisk in 2 cups sour cream. Pour in 8 sherbet dishes and chill for 2 hours. Serve with fruit. Serves 8.

I made a little sauce for them because that's what I remember Jennie doing.  However, she doesn't have that in the official recipe!  Take a few raspberries, mash them, add about 1/8 c. water and about 1/4 c. sugar. Bring to boil for about 2 min. Use as fruit topping. Yummy.
Beautiful and delicious!
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Chocolate Caramel Pretzle Delights

These Chocolate Caramel Pretzle Delights are the most scrumptious little things you'll ever eat.  And, they are super easy to make.
Hershey's Rolo Candies
Pecans (or Walnuts)
Prepare cookie sheet by lining with wax paper.
Preheat oven to 200F.
1.  Place pretzles on cookie sheet and unwrap the Rolos and place in center of pretzle.
2. Place in oven for 5 minutes.  (Rolo should be soft but basically maintain shape.)
3.  Take nut and press down in center of Rolo.
Let cool and Voila a decadent sweet addition to your holiday party!

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Photo Shoots!

The past few weeks I have had the opportunity to do three family photo shoots and one bridal shoot.
They were ALL lots of fun! (I do think it's time to invest in a better camera!)
I have grown to love all of these 4 families represented dearly.
The Lodmells have only been in my life for about 2 months, but we connected immediately and have developed a close bond. Crissy and I are amazing alike, and I am awed by God's working in bringing people from other parts of the country/world, completely different backgrounds, and yet because of Christ allowing a friendship to form nearly instantaneously.
The Coles: well, they're just like family by now. It's amazing to me to look back and see the providence of God in allowing our paths to cross, my helping with their wedding and asking for "pay" to visit my brother's church when they settled in Greenville, and then the things that have come about since with their partnering with Tim and Ruth to go to France as missionaries. God truly is amazing!
Vanessa Soon-to-be-McQuinn: well, she's just a cousin! Just a cousin who has become a dear friend. Our first long, serious conversation came shortly after her return from the Philippines. We discussed her short-term missionary adventure, singleness, and marriage. It has been exciting to see God work in her life over the past 1 and 1/2 years and watch as she and Scott began dating. Again, God does amazing things--2 people that would have never met outside of God's obvious working; and they're getting married in just a few days!
The Hansons: well, they are some of my favorite people in the universe. There is nothing like a sister. Though I wasn't thrilled when Brian came into her life and took her away (!), I am so thankful for the wonderful, godly man God gave her and the beautiful family they are creating together for His glory. My sister has taught me so much and has pushed me to greater spiritual heights.
Giving of oneself to others brings about so many incredible blessings.
God is so good!
Clockwise starting top right:
Hanson family, Vanessa Marshall bridal portrait (can't post her, so just posted the flowers and prop!), Lodmell family, and Cole family.
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